WaterAid India launches an intensive 8-day campaign on Good Hygiene Practices to Prevent COVID-19

India Sanitation Coalition's partner organisation WaterAid India has launched an intensive 8-day campaign on ‘Good Hygiene Practices to Prevent COVID-19’ in 7 languages. The aim is to ensure that key hygiene messages reach the last mile through resources which can be widely shared on digital platforms.


The links of the campaign page, and the repositories of communication materials are mentioned below. 


WAI Website COVID-19 Page Link: https://www.wateraidindia.in/covid19


Creative Repository of Videos: https://www.wateraidindia.in/covid19-video


Creative Repository of Posters: https://www.wateraidindia.in/handwashing-posters


The communication materials developed for this campaign are Open Assets and Free Resources for any individual or organization who would like to use it further. These repositories will be updated with each day’s posters and videos on a daily basis.